
I loooove marketing / And I know you’ll do too.


 I’m Rita and I’m here to demystify marketing for anyone looking to enter the tech field, build their dream business or improve their communication skills.

I love marketing because I love stories and figuring out how to tell them in a way that creates real connection: with an audience, with a product, a customer, a colleague, my mom… you get the idea.

I’ve spent the past 15 years telling stories as an instructor and marketing leader at the intersection of media and tech. Currently, I’m a Global Digital Marketing Professor at Podium Education where I get to teach marketing skills to thousands of undergrad students across the US.


How marketing skills can change your life!

Find a path to an on-demand career

Demand for marketing jobs is hot like a San Juan summer. Marketing skills can set you on a path toward financial freedom and a rewarding (and fun!) career.

Launch your dream business

Want to launch an online store, publish a book, start a podcast, open a gallery….you name it, you’ll need marketing skills to succeed. 

Improve your communication skills

Effective communication is the foundation of all great marketing, and also of healthy relationships. Marketing skills can help improve your communication with colleagues and loved ones.

Marketing experience

This is the only biz casual section of my site, promise 🤞


Marketing Director, Zillow Group

First agent marketing hire. Built and led team through period of triple-digit growth.


Head of Integrated Marketing, Qualtrics

Led global campaigns for EmployeeXM, fastest-growing product line.

Senior Acquisition Manager, Time Inc.

In charge of online multi-channel subscriber acquisition for Real Simple and All You magazines.

Membership Director, National Public Radio

Founding member of Rhode Island’s first independent NPR station. I was the voice on the pledge drives!

This I believe


Do cool stuff

Who said you have to pick one career, one passion, or one job? Not me! I say, do it all!

Progress > Perfection

Putting stuff out there is more important than getting it right, if there is such a thing.

Create > Consume

The world would be a better place if we all spent more time making art than watching Netflix.



Like with good marketing campaigns, all new projects should start with one question: what is my objective?



Above all else, I strive to have fun with my work. Because if I don’t, then what the heck am I doing?


*Just me, power posing

Fun facts!

I was born and raised in San Juan, Puerto Rico, but live in Vienna, Austria.

I speak fluent Spanish, English, and French. Working on German now, but it’s soooo hard!

O >

I have a plastic pink flamingo as a pet. Her name is Dr. Barbara Hernandez.


I’m the mom of two amazing little kids. I learn something from them every single day.



B.A. Brown University

Majored in French Studies and International Relations

M.B.A. Darden Graduate School of Business (UVA)

Received Consortium and Forté Fellowships.

My musings on marketing/work and everything in between.